During my recent sweat lodge experience, I spent a good 5 or 6 hours just sitting on the land, connecting with nature and re-connecting with myself. There was one lone dewdrop, almost microscopic, hanging from a blade a grass sparkling in the sun. It taught me an important lesson: that which might initially be thought of as insignificant, is actually truly beautiful, if only we remember to see it that way. I’m not normally one for writing poetry but I was inspired to put pen to paper as I had the privilege of sitting with something so tiny, yet so special.
The more I look, the more dewdops hanging off blades of grass I see,
Reflecting back the beauty that I realise completely surrounds me.
Appearing precariously balanced at first glance,
That the dewdrop mysteriously holds onto the grass is truly no chance.
I watch the blade of grass move gently with the flow of air,
Feeling this opportunity to connect with nature is so so rare.
But the beauty and mystery of the dew drop is always there for when we choose to see, Mother nature’s gentle reminder to connect with the beauty and mystery lying deep inside of me.
(Image from “55 Stunning dew drop photographs” by www.incrediblesnaps.com – well worth a peruse if you like nature photography).